Family-like the branches of a tree we all grow, yet our roots remain as one
I was so honored when Jennie reached out to me from out of state and told me that for years she and her family wanted to shoot some special family portraits together with their mom and dad. With the families all living in different states it became really tough logistically to plan a shoot together. This year they were all going to be together over the holidays. The only problem was we only had the day before Christmas to shoot! Fortunately this year I was in town and was able to get away to make this session happen.
I gave Jennie a few location suggestions and she and her family fell in love with Arlington Gardens in Pasadena. One of my favorite places to shoot!

We got so lucky on December 24th to have beautiful skies and a perfect sunset. The days before and after, California had some heavy rains. We caught some special moments of mom and dad on a beautiful bench tucked away in a rose garden. We also had beautiful light in the courtyard, under the willow tree and along the trails for family and smaller group shots.
It was such a joy and honor to meet all of you. May the gift of photo memories bring smiles to your faces and hearts for years to come!